
The seventh grade class supplied bags of snacks and beverages for the school dance They supplied19 more beverages than bags of snacks The dance was supplied with a total of 371 items.

Accepted Solution

Answer:The number of number of bags of snacks = m  = 176The number of beverages supplied = m + 19  = 176 +9 = 185Step-by-step explanation:Let us assume the number of bags of snacks = mSo, the number of beverages supplied = m + 19Total number of items supplied  =  371⇒ Number of (snacks + beverages) supplied=  371⇒   m + (m +19)  = 371or, 2 m = 371 - 19 =  352or, m =  352 / 2 = 176  ⇒  m  = 176Hence the number of number of bags of snacks = m  = 176So, the number of beverages supplied = m + 19  = 176 +9 = 185