
The figure is formed by a right triangle, a parallelogram with a height of 10 inches, and a square. Amanda found that the area of a figure is 198 inches squared and that the perimeter is 68 inches. Which statement is true?

Accepted Solution

Both of her statements are incorrect.

For the area, we find the separate area of each shape this figure is made of.  The formula for the area of a triangle is A=1/2bh, so we plug in our information:

A=1/2(12)(9) = 54in²

The formula for the area of a parallelogram is A=bh; with our information,

A=10(12) = 120in²

The formula for the area of a square is A=s²; with our information,

A = 12² = 144in²

We add all of these together for a combined area:
54+120+144 = 318in²

For the perimeter, we add up all of the sides:
9+15+16+12+12+12+16 = 92 in.