
8439 divided by 245 with remainder

Accepted Solution

How many times does 245 go into 8?  none.
                                                 into 84?  none.
                                                 into 843?  3

So the first digit of the quotient is 3.  Mult. 245 by 3, getting 735.  Subtr. this amount from 843.  Result:  108.  How many times does 245 go into 108?
none.  Bring down a zero, forming 1080.  How many times does 245 go into 1080?  4, with remainder  100.  And so on.

Please try doing this problem yourself, by hand.

245 /  8439.00

Can you finish this?  Note that 843-735 is 108.  Bring down a zero now, to form 1080.  show your work.