
Segment AB has and endpoint at A (2,5) and a mod point at M (4,0), find the other endpoint (B).B = (1, -2.5)B = (6,-5)B = (3,2.5)B = (2,-5)

Accepted Solution

Answer:The other endpoint B= (6, -5) Step-by-step explanation:Given:One end point A=  (2,5)Mid point M = (4,0) To Find:The Other point =?Solution:According to midpoint formula, if (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) are two ends of a line then it’s midpoint is given by :  [tex]M(x,y)= \frac{x1+ x2}{2} ,\frac{y1+ y2}{2}[/tex]Using the above formula [tex]4=\frac{2+x_2}{2}[/tex]..................................(1)[tex]0=\frac{5+y_2}{2}[/tex]..................................(2)Solving equation(1)tex]8=2+x_2[/tex][tex]x_2=8-2[/tex][tex]x_2=6[/tex]Solving equation(2)[tex]0\times 2=\frac{5+y_2}{2}[/tex][tex]0=5+y_2[/tex][tex]-5=y_2[/tex]Thus [tex]x_2=6[/tex] and  [tex]y_2 =-5[/tex]