
​Brenda and Jessica are selling wrapping paper for a school fundraiser. Customers can buy rolls of plain wrapping paper and rolls of holiday wrapping paper. Brenda sold 2 rolls of plain wrapping paper and 1 roll of holiday wrapping paper for a total of $41. Jessica sold 7 rolls of plain wrapping paper and 1 roll of holiday wrapping paper for a total of $106. Find how much each type of wrapping paper costs per roll. Show all steps and check your work.

Accepted Solution

1 roll of plain wrapping paper costs $13 and 1 roll of holiday wrapping paper costs $15.Step-by-step explanation:Let, Roll of plain wrapping paper = xRoll of holiday wrapping paper = yAccording to given statement;2x+y=41   Eqn 17x+4=106   Eqn 2Subtracting Eqn 1 from Eqn 2[tex](7x+y)-(2x+y)=106-41\\7x+y-2x-y=65\\5x=65[/tex]Dividing both sides by 5[tex]\frac{5x}{5}=\frac{65}{5}\\x=13[/tex]Putting x=13 in Eqn 1[tex]2(13)+y=41\\26+y=41\\y=41-26\\y=15[/tex]1 roll of plain wrapping paper costs $13 and 1 roll of holiday wrapping paper costs $15.Keywords: Linear equations, subtractionLearn more about linear equations at:brainly.com/question/5751004brainly.com/question/5756316#LearnwithBrainly