
Jose bought 3/4 of oil and his sister bought 6/8, which of the two bought more oil?

Accepted Solution

SOLUTION Express each fraction to their simplest form. For 3/4, this is already in its simplest form since the denominator and numerator doesn't have a common factor. For 6/8, we can further simplify it. The common factor between the denominator and numerator is 2. That is: $$ \frac{6}{8}=\frac{3\times2}{4\times2} $$ With this, you can cancel 2 to simplify. We have: $$ \frac{3\times2}{4\times2}=\frac{3}{4} $$ Hence, the simplified form of 6/8 is 3/4. Since Jose and his sister bought 3/4 oil, which is the same amount, then none of them bought more than what the other did. ANSWER: None, because they bought equal amounts.